Vancouver Island, BC
The handsome Vancouver Island Black-tail deer are becoming a much-desired hunt at our Vancouver Island operation thanks to exciting new DNA research that has been conducted into the history of black-tail deer. Vancouver Island offers one of the true, pure, indigenous populations of blacktail deer on the Pacific Coast, in an easy to access southern locale.
The research identified the early blacktail deer migration from a single refuge along the Pacific Northwest coast and re-colonization northward following the glacial retreat. The deer’s migration route colonized Vancouver Island first and then northward to the Alexander Archipelago, where the Sitka blacktail subsist.

Hunting Blacktail Deer
Due to the documented evidence respecting the migration and isolated marine environment of the Island, Safari Club International has now recognized our Island blacktails as Vancouver Island Blacktail and created a new record book category for these deer. Grand Slam Club/Ovis (GSCO) also recognizes the Vancouver Island black-tail deer for the Super Ten® and Super Slam® trophy record books.
Blacktails can be hunted from September to December, with prime hunting during the November rut. Hunting is free range, spot and stalk, glassing or ground blinds conducted in the agricultural and backcountry areas. Trophy quality is in the 80 to 120 pt class, similar to Sitka deer. Shots are 50 to 350 yards and .243 to 7 mm rifles are recommended.
Contact us for prices and available dates