Who Cares? BC Campaign
“When you spend a lot of time in town you begin to question a little bit about conservation and about hunting, you come back out here and you see the wildlife and it feels so right and so natural.”
As a proud member of the Guide Outfitters Association of BC, we were invited to participate in the ‘Who Cares’ campaign to change the narrative around hunters and hunting. Being a part of the solution means leaning in and educating non-hunters on the true nature of hunters.
As hunters, guides, and outfitters, we are constantly challenged by those who do not experience the great outdoors to validate our place. Time in nature confirms that we belong, and that hunting is here to stay.
Who Cares about Wildlife in BC? WE DO!!
We’re a group of individuals who are active in the wilderness of British Columbia and care deeply about wildlife and its habitat. We’re on a mission to help people connect with the wild places and wild things that make BC one of the most spectacular places on earth. Because what we truly care about, we’re willing to fight for. Who Cares? We do! Do you? Join us!
Find out more about the Who Cares? BC Campaign and watch more videos at GOABC.org